46 year old mom going back into braces and jaw surgery after having braces in her early 20's. Catch up on what she's learning through the process...
Friday, September 7, 2007
Before and After Photos of Expander
Here is some photos when I just got my expanders put in and four months later. There seems to be some widening on the uppers but I'm not noticing a whole lot of the lowers...maybe just a tad wider there too.
I noticed your pictures because I am very interested in having the same procedure as you. through the research on the internet, i came across this website http://www.icnr.com/cs/cs_08.html
do you feel this is valid from your experience? Thank you.
do they hurt
Only when I get a new wire put in, like this week. Your teeth ache for a few days and usually it's soup and soft food.
I noticed your pictures because I am very interested in having the same procedure as you. through the research on the internet, i came across this website
do you feel this is valid from your experience? Thank you.
Well written article.
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