Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day Three Post Op... is day three post op and I'm feeling not great...can you tell??? My muscles along the entire jaw are really sore and achy which is causing my ears to hurt. I'm using heat on my face verses the ice and it seems to add some much needed relief. I made them out a pair of socks with white rice and you tie the sock off and put it in the microwave for two minutes and have a wonderfully heat relief sock which instantly soothes and comfort the sore tense muscles from moving my jaw forward.

I had a nice breakfast through my zip and squeeze bag of cream of wheat cooked and then blended with frozen banana and cinnamon and a little extra milk to thin it out. It took me over an hour to eat but it tasted good. My bottom lip is completely numb and still swollen. When Dr. Wood reduced my chin he went in right below my bottom teeth and lip to do my chin reduction surgery, that is why it's swollen the way it is. I get little feelings of twinges in my chin which tells me all those nerves are working overtime to regenerate themselves.

Schuyler is due home later this morning. He arrived in right on time last night from Albany, NY through Chicago as he called me about 10:45pm to let me know he made it back. He spent the night at my Aunt and Uncles and they'll be bringing him out to the house today. It will nice to have some company and to have him back home again.


mcgee33 said...

Hey Clarissa! You look swollen but wonderful. Thanks for the details on how long it took to eat and what you ate. Sounds like a good meal. Enjoy your son when he arrives. I hope he takes good care of you! Do you actually feel good enough to make your own food? I'll be praying for you! Keep posting!

Anonymous said...
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mcgee33 said...

anonymous... I'm so sorry for your pain and embarrassment! That sounds really hard. I don't know if one could permanently wear braces??? I've joked about it, because I like them and feel younger in them, but I also look forward to getting them off one day. Is there someone you could talk to about this? I have a friend who is a dentist and she had the lighter weight veneers put on her teeth just because they looked nicer. Also have a friend in Tucson that had all her teeth done because she always felt like a horse. If you feel that badly about your teeth, please consider making a choice that will help you. There are no perfect choices, even with this surgery we are having, there are risks, give and takes, etc... The loss of some of your tooth structure (if that is the case with newer veneers), may be worth the gain of your self esteem and this 'secret' you are carrying. If you leave a comment on my blog, I'd be willing to ask my friend about the tooth structure with the newer veneers. My heart goes out to you. I can 'hear' your pain and struggle... don't stay stuck if you don't have to. There may be options! ~Elaine

Clarissa said...

Hi Elaine! You're too sweet...swollen but cute, eh? :) I know it will go down with time so I'm patient.

Anonymous, my heart goes out to you and it sounds like you're right where the Lord wants you. You've straightened your teeth and now it's time for the big reveal. I would encourage you as mcgee posted that you consider veneers as they've changed so much over the years and those who suffer silently like yourself can find a new release in life by taking charge of their life and doing what they deserve to do and that is getting veneers. Mcgee has given you some very positive encouragement and I'd just like to also encourage you to take the next step and not fear getting those braces off but embrace it and take the next step to getting your teeth the color white you so desperately want. I had a girlfriend who was given tetracycline when she was young and it damaged her teeth also so I certainly sympathize what you've had to deal with all these years...but here we are...a BRAND NEW YEAR and a time of change for us all...go for it and take the next step. I'll be praying for you! God bless!!

Katherine (Kate) said...

Method of consuming aside, that breakfast sounds yummy!!

The next few days could be a bit harder to get through, the steroids and anaesthetic are leaving your body and the natural high of reaching a goal you've been waiting so long for has come & gone...and now those muscles are going to try & show you who's boss. Keep plugging away, Each day and moment that passes is another step closer to having this whole experience behind you. And I think you're bang on with switching over to heat! (after the first 24-48 hours, most docs say ice does little to help with swelling anymore, but to keep using it or alternating with heat if it brings you relief).

Oh, how wonderful to hear that Schuyler will now be back home with his momma...that's got to be an encouragement right there :)

You ARE looking great (and it's a right of passage to go through the pufferfish stage... I think I'd be annoyed to miss out on it , haha), but yes, I can see how it would get old pretty fast. Drink lots, and fit in short walks if you're up to it....flush that swelling out of there!

How long do you get to wear the charming chin wrap?

Take care, Clarissa, and still praying for ongoing healing :)

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